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Golf Psych has definitely drastically improved my golf game. The instructors are very willing and dedicated to help me succeed, and have helped me create a solid mental routine that can withstand anything I face on the course. Golf Psych has absolutely helped improve my confidence both in myself and in my golf game. I have seen myself trusting my swing and committing to my shots, and it is all thanks to you!


Junior Golfer

Golf Mental Game Builder Package of Assessments and Online Coaching System

Starting at $199 – includes 3 months of our online coaching system.

Favorite Option: Add 3 hours of coaching for the price of two with Jon Stabler. Saves you $200 on coaching! 

This Do-It-Yourself Package includes three online products: our Personality Assessment and Comparison to the 8 Champion Traits, our Mental Skills Assessment with Recommendations and a 3-month free trial of our Online Coaching System.

  • Online Comparison of Your Personality to the Tour Champion Model, The Eight Champion Traits from our Tour Research
  • Online Assessment of Your Current Golf Mental Game Skills
  • Your 8 Champion Traits Personality Report, 42 pages, with Recommended Methods Based on Your Personality, in PDF format
  • Your Golf Mental Game Skills Report, 32-40 pages, with Recommendations on Improving Your Golf Mental Game Skills, in PDF format
  • Access to our Online Mental Game Coaching System

This Package is required to work with Dr. Graham or Jon Stabler directly. Currently included in our Level I Mental Game Builder School price.

Note: Right now you get three months online coaching system including in the Mental Game Builder which includes Package with the Mental Skills assessment and Personality Traits with Recommendations.

Save money long term by buying this pack with a subscription to our Online Coaching System! Click here to buy as a subscription.

Please enter your information or the information for the golfer that will be using the online coaching. Login instructions will be sent to this person.

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Ready to put an end to your game-busting mistakes, and start performing when it matters? Then it’s time to commit to Mental Game Training.

Plenty of online resources can provide recommendations on how to improve your mental game, but actually implementing those changes is easier said than done. This package allows you to accurately identify the parts of your game that are holding you back, provides recommendations for improving, and helps you implement them through online coaching and, optionally, 1-on-1 training.

This package includes a number of our products, saving you hundreds of dollars from purchasing them individually. It includes: Our Mental Skills Assessment, Personality Assessment / Comparison to the 8 Champion Traits, a trial membership in our Online Coaching System, and optionally, 3 hours of 1-on-1 coaching (in person or on the phone).

Mental Skills Assessment

This 111 question assessment takes only 15 minutes, and is the first step towards seeing how you rate in the 8 mental game skills. The 32-40 page report explains each mental game skill in depth, and provides personalized recommendations for improving in every category.

Personality Assessment

This 42 page report shows how your personality traits compare to the 8 Champion Personality Traits of the frequent winners on the PGA Tour and LPGA Tour. You will receive detailed, personalized recommendations on strengthening those Champion Traits where you don’t line up with the frequent winners.

Includes a subscription to our Online Coaching System

Our online coaching system allows you to continually track your mental game progress, and aids ongoing improvement. For your subscription, you’ll have access to the following tools:

  • Links to your personality and mental skills results and recommendations so you can access them anytime
  • Our Post Round System to help you rate your mental game and learn from your rounds and prepare for the next round
  • Your Competition Calendar with links to each round’s Mental Game Post Round form
  • A Statistics Section to record and track your statistics, mental game and physical game by date and round
  • Printable mental game scorecards to take on the course
  • A Post-Round rating quiz on the 8 Champion Personality Traits for each date and round
  • A Post-Round rating quiz on your mental game golf skills for each date and round
  • A Goal Setting Section including Periodization Planning and Balance Goals
  • Our popular Bubble Thought Control Technique with output to take on the course
  • Our Four Questions Post Shot Recovery Method
  • Video of an Effective Mental Pre-shot Routine with explanation of the principles, unlimited viewing
  • A Learning Styles Quiz with advice on learning and practice
  • Accessible from any computer with internet connection, anytime

“I believe your program is absolutely the best!”

I believe your program is absolutely the best! It took me a little while to go through everything and its made some huge impacts on my game already in terms of just relaxing and enjoying. Shot course record 62 including 12 birdies! And last 3 rounds I have shot a combined -19! Thanks again and I will send more your way!

Teaching Professional in Georgia

Optionally Add 1-on-1 Coaching

To help you implement your recommendations, you’ll receive three hours of coaching with Jon Stabler, GolfPsych expert and co-founder. This training can be done in person or on the phone.

Jon Stabler is co-founder of GolfPsych. Along with being a golf mental coach, co-researcher, and co-author in the personality study of golfers and the resulting book, “The Eight Traits of Champion Golfers”, Jon has developed and conducted our GolfPsych group schools and Instructor training programs. He has worked with numerous players and college teams including TCU, SMU, A&M and Baylor.

Our System Works

Major Championships on Tour

NCAA Division I National Championships

US Amateur Champions

Texas State 5A High School Team Championships

Texas State 5A Individual Champions

Our Do-It-Yourself Mental Game Builder Package of Online Tools include:

  • Online Comparison of Your Personality to the Tour Champion Model, The Eight Champion Traits from our Tour Research
  • Online Assessment of Your Current Golf Mental Game Skills
  • Your 8 Champion Traits Personality Report, 42 pages, with Recommended Methods Based on Your Personality, in PDF format
  • Your Golf Mental Game Skills Report, 32-40 pages, with Recommendations on Improving Your Golf Mental Game Skills, in PDF format

It also includes Our New Online Mental Game Coaching System for 3 months with:

  • Links to your personality and mental skills results and recommendations so you can access them anytime
  • Our Post Round System to help you rate your mental game and learn from your rounds and prepare for the next round
  • Your Competition Calendar with links to each round’s Mental Game Post Round form
  • A Statistics Section to record and track your statistics, mental game and physical game by date and round
  • Printable mental game scorecards to take on the course
  • A Post-Round rating quiz on the 8 Champion Personality Traits for each date and round
  • A Post-Round rating quiz on your mental game golf skills for each date and round
  • A Goal Setting Section including Periodization Planning and Balance Goals
  • Our popular Bubble Thought Control Technique with output to take on the course
  • Our Four Questions Post Shot Recovery Method
  • Video of an Effective Mental Pre-shot Routine with explanation of the principles, unlimited viewing
  • A Learning Styles Quiz with advice on learning and practice
  • Accessible from any computer with internet connection, anytime

In Addition, for a limited time, it also includes our PGA Tour Newsletter Library of Golf Psychology articles! This library of 39 newsletters, each 3-8 pages long, was written for our PGA Tour clients. Each issue details one golf psychology topic. They have titles like "Emotional Stability" and "Creating the Right Attitude for Competition". Separately this library is priced at $99.95 but is included free for a limited time in this mental game builder package This package will assess your mental strengths and challenges. It will make specific recommendations of the things you need to do to emulate the Champion PGA Tour winners and get the most from your mental game in golf competition. This system will help you learn from your rounds and make adjustments to your mental game and skills. It will help you get ready for your rounds. If you have selected a GolfPsych Instructor, they will have access to this system and be able to make suggestions and stay in touch with your progress. This system is password protected so only you and your GolfPsych Instructor have access.

Additional information

Add 3 Hours of Individual Coaching with Jon Stabler (For the Price of 2 - Save $200)

Yes Add $385 (Normally $585), No


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