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Too many NCAA golf scholarships for women go unclaimed

Golf is so important as a junior because it promotes ideas of consistency in your game and in your life. Claiming girls golf scholarship can be time consuming and in fact many scholarships offered to girls go unclaimed. According to The National College Athletic Assn. (NCAA) estimates that every year 200 college golf scholarships for young women go unclaimed. Too few girls compete in the sport to qualify for these scholarships, which means many young women are missing an opportunity that could make all the difference to their education, their income and their future (LA Times).


Stay on Top of Application & Recruiting

Education researchers have found that high school athletes have higher grade-point averages and fewer absentees than non-athletes. They learn teamwork, responsibility and the importance of persistence, patience and practice. Academics and sports. Keep building your skills. Depending on your school, playing on your high school team can be invaluable for gaining experience in competition. But, more and more, college coaches are looking at player results and ranking from competition outside of high school. This puts added importance on playing in local, regional, state and national level tournaments.

If you haven’t already, during your junior and senior years you will want to start making “unofficial” visits to the top colleges on your wishlist. Begin communicating with coaches at the colleges topping your list by calling or emailing so that you can introduce yourself, or schedule an unofficial visit. Frequent emails about your progress, including successes and failures with what you learned from them will show your interest and effort to improve, motivation. They will help the coach get to know you.

Stay Realistic but Optimistic

As you do your best to win girl golf scholarships, stay realistic. Here are the numbers.

At the Division 1 level, 256 universities have golf teams for women. There are 6 girl golf scholarships available per team. A total of 1536 scholarships are offered to women.

At the Division 2 level, 139 universities have golf teams for women. There are 5.4 scholarships available per team to be divided among the players. A total of 750.6 scholarships are offered to women in Division 2 . Girls’ golf is seeing explosive growth with recruiting and scouting becoming part of the game in a way few could have imagined ( There are far more great golfers than there are available girl golf scholarships. Your commitment will greatly increase your odds of winning a girls golf scholarship. A great start would be our mental game starter package.

Tour Coaching For Junior Golfers

“This process is real, my daughter’s scores have suffered the last 12 months, thinking about earning a scholarship instead of just enjoying the round. In the last three rounds since trying the concepts presented, she has had three of her lowest rounds in a year as well as a 73 last week. Her lowest score ever. More importantly, she is having fun again.”

– Scott “T”, about Danielle using the GolfPsych Mental Game Builder Package